Our Mission
We are an interdisciplinary team of professionals including psychologists, psychotherapists, physicians, and nurse practitioners who's mission it is to empower neurodiverse people to actualize their full potential. We provide comprehensive ADHD, Autism and psychoeducational assessments, and as a teaching clinic, we provide expert level accredited training to clinicians. Through our residency consortium and as faculty supervisors, we provide supervision to emerging healthcare professionals. We also develop innovative technology to make the highest quality assessments available more readily accessible to institutions, families, and individuals.
How we enable care
Providing training to emerging clinicians through our practicum, supervised practice, and residency consortium programs
Using the latest evidence based practices to deliver gold standard ADHD, ASD, and psychoeducational assessments
Engaging with our trusted referral partners to help our clients find high quality care that meets their specific needs
Our post secondary ADHD assessment centres provide timely access to many of those with the most urgent needs
Enabling greater access to Canadians by expanding our clinic network both inside and outside of the Greater Toronto Area