Adult ADHD assessment 

We offer ADHD assessments to adults both remotely via teleconferencing and in person at one of our three clinic locations in Toronto.  Please read below for more details or schedule a free consult to speak with our ADHD experts.

Can Adults have Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder?

Yes, absolutely! Adults can indeed have ADHD. While ADHD is commonly associated with childhood, it is now widely recognized that the condition can persist into adulthood. In fact, research suggests that vast majority of children with ADHD continue to experience symptoms and impairments well into their adult years.

ADHD in adults may present differently compared to children, as the symptoms can evolve and manifest in various ways. While hyperactivity tends to decrease with age, inattention, impulsivity, and executive functioning challenges often persist.

In adults, ADHD can significantly impact various aspects of life, including education, employment, relationships, and overall well-being. Adults with ADHD may struggle with maintaining focus and attention, organizing tasks, managing time effectively, and regulating impulses and emotions. They may experience difficulties with planning, prioritizing, and completing tasks, leading to challenges in meeting deadlines and achieving their goals.

Furthermore, adults with ADHD may also face additional psychological and emotional challenges. It is not uncommon for individuals with ADHD to experience co-occurring conditions such as anxiety, depression, substance use disorders, or difficulties with self-esteem.

What is ADHD?

People with ADD and ADHD often share similar characteristics. They possess intelligence and have ambitions and aspirations. They are capable of focusing intensely on certain tasks for extended periods of time. However, they struggle with regulating their focus, leading to inconsistent attention. Despite these commonalities, their stories diverge.

For some individuals, their difficulties with attention impact their performance in school or work. They may struggle with meeting deadlines, initiating tasks, or completing them. On the other hand, there are individuals who excel academically or professionally but find themselves frustrated by the enormous effort required to achieve success. Unfortunately, those facing attention challenges are sometimes labeled as "unmotivated" or "lazy," which is both unfair and inaccurate. Others face doubt because their ability to hyperfocus for extended periods, their intelligence, and their commitment to work tasks are mistakenly seen as proof that they do not have an attention problem. In reality, they may experience inconsistent focus that necessitates treatment.

It is important to recognize that attention difficulties can manifest differently in each individual. If you identify with any of these experiences, seeking a comprehensive assessment can provide clarity and guide you towards appropriate treatment options. Remember, a diagnosis and proper support can help you manage your attention challenges effectively and work towards your goals.

ADHD is a neurocognitive disorder that involves a consistent pattern of difficulty (identifiable before the age of 12) regulating one’s attention, emotion, and behaviour. According to The Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5), ADHD is a complex psychiatric condition that often persists over a lifetime. Symptoms can vary amongst individuals and present differently for boys, girls, men, and women, but fall into three categories:


ADHD usually becomes problematic for an individual once the symptoms begin to interfere with the quality of social, academic or workplace functioning. The diagnosis of ADHD requires a careful age-appropriate assessment of attention, executive functioning, and behavioural impairment. You can learn more about ADHD and its diagnosis at

Assessment / Diagnosis – Centre for ADHD Awareness Canada (


What is the process of an ADHD Assessment?

Before the first session, we will send you a background questionnaire to complete prior to your assessment. Other elements of the assessment include:


What is the outcome of an ADHD Assessment?

Following the assessment, the psychologist meets with you to review the results, recommendations, and next steps. 

Note: If you do not have a family docotor, we have a nurse practitioner that could assist you with medication management (however Nurse Practitioner consults are not covered by OHIP but maybe covered by your extended health insurance) 


Our fee for an Adult ADHD assessment is $2000.